New Year

The count down begins.

There he is...crying out loud, covered with blood.
There he is...still crying, clean.

The count down ended a few minutes ago. That was the best count down ever happened to me. On the count of zero, I got the best gift from God.

There he is...held by his mother.
There he is...trying to get feed.

I fed him. Five past 00.00 on the 1st of January, this year.

Year End

It still hurts. It always hurts. Just like other year ends. The images keep haunting my mind. How the blood...

Ah! I can't...I won't...

But I must...

There he was, covered by red liquid...I was hoping they were a kind of syrup that we usually drink in the sunny warm afternoon, with ice, so sweet. But then, it wasn't any kind of syrup. I was hoping that I was watching a movie with him, a thriller one, with him right next to me, ready to close my eyes whenever I get scared. But then, I realized, we were not in the movie.

There he was, after the count

Big Crash...Boom...
